Deck Shop is looking for translators!
If you're interested in helping out and becoming part of the Deck Shop team, here you'll find all the info you need.
What languages are needed?
Who are we looking for?
Passion about the game
I live Clash Royale. I update and improve Deck Shop almost every day. If you want to capture this in your translations, you have to love the game too. It also helps if you're not a complete beginner and you're someone who is a bit experienced in all the things around the game.
Native speaker but very good English
Good English is important because you'll be communicating with other translators and me. And you also need to understand not only the meaning but also the tone of the phrases you're translating.
I think I don't have to emphasize, I'm looking for native speakers in the languages you'll be translating into ;)
Self-motivation, discipline, maturity
I know this sounds like a regular job posting. But translating web of this size is not easy and it's not fun. There's over 3 000 terms and sentences to translate. You have to compromise and often be inventive to preserve the tone and the length of the English phrase.
But don't worry, I aim to have at least 3 translators for every language, so you won't be working alone.
Knowledge of the local community
It's not about translating everything, a lot of English words is used in the community, especially when the game client is not translated. It is important for you to know what terms to keep in English and what to translate. You need to speak the language of those who we're trying to help.
Long-term cooperation
Initial translation of the whole web is one thing. But I'm updating it with new content at least once a week, however small the update may be. But that means that from time to time, few new phrases appear and it is needed to translate them.
I'd prefer someone able to find a few minutes to keep the translations up-to-date.
Ability to read and think critically
My goal is to have Deck Shop translated into as many languages as possible. Due to this, it's not possible for me to engage with every translator about every small detail. Certain amount of independence and ability to solve problems is really appreciated.
But I think if you've read this far, you're on the right track! :D
What's in it for me?
It's not a paid job. But whenever I can, I reward my translators with in-game items like exclusive emotes, free Pass Royale etc. Nothing is guaranteed, but when there's an event from Supercell, my translators are first to benefit from it!
What to do to apply?
Have or create Discord
Discord is a requirement. It is the best way to communicate and sync up. Invitation here: Deck Shop Discord
Once you're there, you can DM me (@pavelfi#4216) and write a few sentences about yourself, so I know who I'll be potentially working with. And then I'll set you up with all you need to translate.
If I don't reply right away, be patient, I may be busy or sleeping ... or just taking care of another stuff. Wait for my reply.
Thanks for your interest!

pavelfi, Deck Shop creator