Hitpoints | 1200 |
Shield | 240 |
Damage | 248 |
Hit speed | 1.3 |
Speed | Medium |
Best decks Best decks with Dark Prince
Card stats
Level | Shield | Hitpoints HP | Damage Dmg |
6 | 150 | 750 | 155 |
7 | 165 | 825 | 170 |
8 | 181 | 907 | 187 |
9 | 199 | 997 | 206 |
10 | 219 | 1095 | 226 |
11 | 240 | 1200 | 248 |
12 | 264 | 1320 | 272 |
13 | 289 | 1447 | 299 |
14 | 318 | 1590 | 328 |
15 (Mirrored) (Mirr.) | 349 | 1747 | 361 |
Not killed by
Spell | Damage |
1484 -2 |
Spell combo | Damage |
482 | |
656 | |
881 | |
979 | |
920 | |
1018 | |
1248 -4 | |
1346 -4 | |
1422 -5 |
Unit has a Shield, Damage in the table above is for the Hitpoints only.
Expert area
Properties and roles of Dark Prince
Counters to Dark Prince 84/117
Cards that counter Dark Prince fully or partially. Cards that are effective in stopping Dark Prince or help mitigate the damage. Dimmed card = less effective, but still a counter.
Dark Prince can counter these cards 75/117
Cards that are countered by Dark Prince fully or partially. Cards that Dark Prince can stop or help mitigate the damage. Dimmed card = less effective, but still a counter.
Dark Prince synergies 118/117
Cards that work well with Dark Prince. Dimmed card = less effective, but still a synergy.